Saturday, October 5, 2013

Enable Meta Tags in Blogger For Search Engine Optimization

If you want your customers to be able to find your blog on the internet, the first thing you have to do is to make sure that you add meta tags to your blog so that your blog can be searched and indexed by search engines.

With a blogging platform like Blogger, it's very easy to do, just go to the dash board of your blog:
  1. Scroll down to click on "Setting".
  2. Scroll down to click on "Search Preference".
  3. Click "Edit" on the Meta tags section on  main panel on the right
  4. Check "Yes" to enable search search description.
  5. Type in description of your blog that contains search terms that people will normally use to search topics related to your blog.
  6. Click "Save changes"  button.
Now you are done with your very first baby step to optimize your blog for the search engines.

**The above post is sponsored by the business consultants and tax advisers at Bookwise Inc.

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