Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blogger Is A Fantastic Web-Based Blogging Service

We publish our blog here on Blogger because we love Blogger. Thanks to the support of Google, Blogger has kept evolving and improving to become a really user-friendly and yet highly customizable web-based blogging service.  The Blogger dashboard allows us to publish new posts by just pointing and clicking.  For those of us who just love to write but not to program computer codes, setting up a blog with a unique design is pretty easy.  We like that we can edit the template any time we want and it's flexible enough to allow numerous design variations with the  point-and-click tools.  In terms of flexibility of customization, ease of use, integrated social media and RSS syndication, we don't think there is another free blogging service that can beat Blogger, not when Blogger doesn't limit traffic and storage.  We can't think of moving our blog to another blogging service when Blogger provides the seamless and automatic integration with Google AdSense that allows us an option to start earning advertising revenue in no time.

We highly recommend Blogger to those who have no experience in blogging or web design but are interested in give blogging a try.  Blogger is simple enough for the beginners to start and yet dynamic enough to allow you to learn and apply new web design knowledge at your own pace.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Adding a Blogger Contact Form Widget to a Blogger Page

It's always a good idea to provide a medium on your blog where anyone stumbles upon can contact you directly without having to leave your blog to log into their email account on another web site.  To do this on Blogger, it used to require coding or widget of a third party widget provider.  But not anymore, Google's Blogger had recently made it very easy to add a contact form on a Blogger blog's side bar by doing it through the "add gadget" function on Blogger dashboard.  For those of you who want to add the contact form on a separate page or a post but not the side bar, it's still very easy to do so with a little tweaking.  Just click here to learn how.

Monday, October 7, 2013

What To Do When Your Blog Can't Be Found On Google?

If one day you can't Google your blog, don't panic because Google has made a video to help those of you whose blogs have been dropped by Google's search engine. Watch the following video to find out why your blog disappeared on Google and learn how to get back to the index again.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Enable Meta Tags in Blogger For Search Engine Optimization

If you want your customers to be able to find your blog on the internet, the first thing you have to do is to make sure that you add meta tags to your blog so that your blog can be searched and indexed by search engines.

With a blogging platform like Blogger, it's very easy to do, just go to the dash board of your blog:
  1. Scroll down to click on "Setting".
  2. Scroll down to click on "Search Preference".
  3. Click "Edit" on the Meta tags section on  main panel on the right
  4. Check "Yes" to enable search search description.
  5. Type in description of your blog that contains search terms that people will normally use to search topics related to your blog.
  6. Click "Save changes"  button.
Now you are done with your very first baby step to optimize your blog for the search engines.

**The above post is sponsored by the business consultants and tax advisers at Bookwise Inc.