Thursday, January 28, 2010

Can You Be A Blogger?

While everyone can set up a blog very easily, not everyone can be a blogger. To be a blogger, you have to be able to do the following:

  1. To write in a voice that sounds authentic, sincere and human.
  2. To be able to spend time to post frequently and with a discipline.
  3. To be able to spend time to network with other bloggers, read their blogs and comment on their blogs.
  4. To be able to have time to listen to what others have to say on your blog and to participate in discussion with your blog's readers.
  5. To be knowledgeable and passionate in the subject matter pertaining to your blog.
  6. To be persistent.

If you think being a blogger is too much a tedious j0b for you, you can always hire a professional blogger to blog for you. You can contact us if you are interested in hiring a blogger to blog on your behalf.

Blogging Manual

What Exactly is A Blog?
How To Plan For Your Blog?
Can You Be A Blogger?

Friday, January 22, 2010

How To Plan For Your Blog

If you want to have a succesful blog, you have to make a plan for it to become so. But before you start planning, you have to first ask yourself the following:

  1. Why do you want to have a blog?
  2. What do you want to achieve from having a blog?

After you have answered the above blogging questions, you can then see clearly the objectives for your blogging endeavor. You should plan your blog in a way to ensure that all elements in your blog are designed and implemented to focus on reaching your objectives.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blogger Layout - Christmas Decoration Theme

Dress up your blog for the Christmas Holidays for free - For instruction on how to download and install the code for this free "Season of Fall" theme for your blog on Blogger, please email us and we will email you the code and instruction.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Exactly Is A Blog?

A blog is like a journal that contains frequent and periodic posts from an individual or business who owns and runs the blog. I see it as journal keeping on the internet. A blog post can be about anything the blogger wants to write about for the moment, it can be an opinion about a product, or merely the blogger's specific sentiment of the day. When it comes to blogging, it's all about free expressions of one's thoughts and the exchange of conversation with others on any topic whenever the blog's owner chooses to. You can see some topic examples on the popular blogs we list here our blog's sidebar on the right. A blog can be a private online journal which only the blog's owner or his / her certain permitted family and friends can read, or it can be a public blog that the whole world can read.

What makes blogging popular is its easy to use platforms, and its social aspects that allow the bloggers to engage in networking and exchange of conversations with fellow bloggers or whoever they choose to network with. Blogging is now made so easy that anyone can become a blogger. If you don't believe it, just create a blog here on and see it yourself.